Diploma In Business And Sales Management

The Diploma in Business and Sales Management is particularly designed to equip learners with the knowledge to flourish in the business and sales management industry at the managerial level. This course covers the skills and knowledge required to manage a business. Learners are required todemonstrate interpersonal, self-study and research and presentation skills throughout the qualification.

Tuition Fees 4250
Examination Fees 300
Course Material Fees 450
School Administration Fee 100
Fee Protection Scheme 200
Student Pass Application And Issuance Fees 180
Medical Insurance 120
Total Course Fees Payable 5600
Student Pass Renewal Processing Fees 216
School Application Fees (Non-Refundable) 324
Medical Check-Up 54
Re-Mark Examination Fee / Certificate Reprint 162
Re-Examination Fee / Late Entry Fee (Per Module) 108
Student Pass Application And Issuance Fees 180
Late Payment Fee (Per Month) 54